Componen, Fungsi & Event Framework zkoss - VI [ Tabboxes - Splitters ]


Berikut adalah contoh componen pada zkoss 

1. Tabboxes 

<hbox hflex="1">

<tabbox width="250px">


<tab label="Tab 1" closable="true"/>

<tab label="Tab 2" closable="true"/>

<tab label="Tab 3" closable="true"/>

<tab label="Tab 4" closable="true"/>

<tab label="Tab 5" closable="true"/>


<toolbar width="92px">

<toolbarbutton image="/img/live.gif" onClick='alert("Live")' />

<toolbarbutton image="/img/defender.gif"

onClick='alert("Defender")' />

<toolbarbutton image="/img/battery.gif"

onClick='alert("Battery")' />



<tabpanel>This is panel 1</tabpanel>

<tabpanel>This is panel 2

The second panel</tabpanel>

<tabpanel>This is panel 3</tabpanel>

<tabpanel>This is panel 4</tabpanel>

<tabpanel>This is panel 5</tabpanel>



<vbox hflex="1">

<tabbox id="tb" hflex="1" mold="accordion">


<tab label="Tab 1"/>

<tab label="Tab 2"/>




<tabbox id="tb2" orient="vertical">

<tabs width="24px">

<tab label="A"/>

<tab label="B"/>

<tab label="C"/>

<tab label="D"/>

<tab label="E"/>



<tabpanel>This is panel A</tabpanel>

<tabpanel>This is panel B</tabpanel>

<tabpanel>This is panel C</tabpanel>

<tabpanel>This is panel D</tabpanel>

<tabpanel>This is panel E</tabpanel>



<checkbox label="Horizonal orient" onCheck='tb2.orient=self.checked?"horizontal":"vertical"'/>



This is panel 2

The second panel






2. Splitters 


<panel title="Splitter" border="normal" width="450px">


<hbox spacing="0" width="100%" height="100%">

<vbox spacing="0" width="100%" heights="100px,100px">

Column 1-1: The left-top box. To know whether a splitter

is collapsed, you can listen to the onOpen event.

<splitter id="s1" collapse="before"/>

Column 1-2: You can enforce to open or collapse programming

by calling setOpen method.


<splitter id="s2" collapse="before"/>

Column 2: Whether a splitter allows users to open or collapse

depending on the collapse attribue.





Reference :